mercredi 8 février 2017

Micro-invasive or topical analgesia, N°3, by Mesopuncture, Acupuncture

Micro-invasive or topical analgesia, N°3, by Mesopuncture, Acupuncture

A stimulus of dual origin activates the AP: Needle stimulus and liquid drug stimulus;
A double therapeutic effect is created: Acupuncture Effect and Pharmacological Effect, this latter due to the preserved pharmacological properties of the liquid drug used.

Insertion into APs painkillers of a very fine and hollow needle, of
the same 0.3mm diameter as the acupuncture needle, qualified acupuncture needle by the FDA because this hollow needle is surmounted by a handle for its use.

This handle is also the deformable reservoir to store the liquid drug sucked by the Therapist through the hollow needle of the device, at the beginning of the session.  The few drops of liquid drug which constitute the AP liquid stimulus come from the drug reservoir.
  • o   Manipulation of the acupuncture needle into this large mass

of connective tissue composing the AP, stimulates the AP and creates the Acupuncture Effect painkiller due to needle stimulus of the AP painkiller.
  • o   Injection, with the needle of the same device, of a few drops of

liquid drug from the reservoir in the AP: by its volume or physicochemical structure, the liquid drug stimulates the painkiller AP and creates the Acupuncture Effect painkiller by liquid stimulus while keeping its pharmacological properties or Pharmacological Effect, usually painkiller, also..

The topical version of Mesopuncture
In its topical version, Mesopuncture uses no needles, it includes:
·         External means for the Acupuncture Effect
The Acupuncture Point stimulus is achieved by external stimulus, needle-free, creating an Acupuncture Effect: Moxas, laser, microwave, pulsating light, massage, magnets, colors, quartz etc. 
·         Iontophoresis for the fluid stimulus and Pharmacologic Effect
(and Acupuncture Effect?).
Contribution of the liquid drug in the AP is achieved without needle.
o   Few drops of the liquid drug chosen by the Therapist, are spread
on the skin, over the AP, on which is applied the iontophoresis apparatus, to allow the liquid drug crossing the skin barrier, knowing that the destiny of this crossing is to reach the connective tissue and the AP: The liquid drug, in the AP, becomes the fluid stimulus of the AP and creates the Acupuncture Effect by fluid stimulus specific of the stimulated AP. 
The liquid drug keeps its general and local pharmacological properties:  It is the Pharmacological Effect, in Mesopuncture.
·         It is also an opportunity for the Patient to be able to renew the
application of the liquid drug with approval from his doctor, if… he has the iontophoresis device.
Micro-invasive version of Mesopuncture
In its micro-invasive version, the device used is the BMN, comprising a hollow needle, 0.3 mm in diameter like the acupuncture needle diameter, surmounted by a reservoir in deformable polymer, 0.15 cc of volume, filled by the Therapist while starting the session and before insertion of this needle. Few drops from this liquid drug are injected into the AP to create the fluid stimulus.

The particularity of the BMN, the reservoir serving both of storage of the liquid drug sucked through the hypodermic needle of this device and for the handle indispensable to perform the insertion of needles, has allowed the FDA to classify this needle in the category: Needle acupuncture.

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