vendredi 15 juillet 2016

The liquid drug in Mesopuncture, N°2:‘Pharmacological effect’.

The liquid drug in Mesopuncture, N°2:‘Pharmacological effect’.

 Mesopuncture, fluid Stimulus of the Acupuncture Point_ AP: The Pharmacologic Effect.                                     
Started by Chinese medicine, at the end of the last century:
 ‘Pharmacological effect’ of the liquid drug in Mesopuncture- 
The Acupuncture Point _ AP is stimulated by liquid drugs of the Pharmacopoeia, liquid drugs without or with pharmacological properties producing the Pharmacologic Effect added to the property of producing the Acupuncture Effect by this AP stimulus.
In effect, generally, the liquid drug used in Mesopuncture, is selected according to its ‘Pharmacological Effect’; it completes the Acupuncture Effect from both the metal needle stimulus and its own Acupuncture Effect.

It is possible to describe, among all liquid drugs, two categories of liquid drugs according to their Pharmacological Effect:
**-* Some liquid drugs, injected/ deposited, among those used in Mesopuncture for their Acupuncture Effect, are neutral, ‘without’ obvious pharmacologic effect known or described in the Western pharmacopoeia, but with a physical or mechanical action of filling, irritation, which stimulates the AP and produces the Acupuncture Effect only.
A particular mention concerns Hyaluronic Acid, used for long-term stimulus of the AP, without pharmacological action.  

 In this group of liquids drugs, at origin of AP fluid stimulus only, without obvious or very low pharmacological action known, we may find: Distilled water or saline… trace elements, homeopathy etc.
·         Using only liquid drugs without pharmacological properties to stimulate the APs is the goal often sought by the Therapist, in the initial period of integration of Mesopuncture, in his daily treatment. These liquid drugs are inactive in Mesotherapy.

**-* The majority, of these liquid drugs, has its own pharmacologic properties, due to the physicochemical structure of its molecule.
These pharmacological properties preserved when the liquid drug is used in Mesopuncture, produced the Pharmacological Effect.
By using liquid drugs of the pharmacopoeia for restoring the body's energy balance (the Acupuncture Effect) which, additionally, act by their own pharmacologic properties preserved (the Pharmacologic Effect in Mesopuncture), the Patient can, thus, benefit of the therapeutic virtues of liquid drugs of our pharmacopeia.
The liquid drugs with pharmacological effect are eligible for Mesotherapy.

These pharmacological properties preserved when the liquid drug is used in Mesopuncture, constitute the Pharmacological Effect.
By using liquid drugs of the pharmacopoeia for restoring the body's energy balance which, additionally, act by their own pharmacologic properties preserved (the Pharmacologic Effect in Mesopuncture), the Patient can, thus, benefit of the therapeutic virtues of liquid drugs of our pharmacopeia.
The liquid drugs with pharmacological effect are eligible for Mesotherapy.

This liquid drug with pharmacologic properties stimulates the AP and creates, the ‘Acupuncture Effect’, by fluid stimulus due to mechanical action or physicochemical structure of its molecule. This ‘Acupuncture Effect’ of fluid origin, is superimposed to the ‘Acupuncture Effect’ created by acupuncture needle or by external stimulus applied at the skin surface.

This selection of liquid drugs by the Therapist may also take into account, two criteria both depending on the physicochemical structure of the liquid drug. 
1-First criterion, Synergy or lack of synergy
Synergy of action between the western therapeutic effect of the liquid drug producing the Pharmacologic Effect and the Acupuncture Effect produced either when this liquid drug stimulates the AP or when the needle stimulates this same AP.
This drug is precisely chosen for being the pharmacological treatment of the same health or aesthetic disorder, in western medicine.

·         This liquid drug produces also, the therapeutic/energetic effect or ‘Acupuncture Effect’ when, keeping its therapeutic/pharmacological properties it is injected into this AP.  
·         This same ‘Acupuncture Effect’ is produced when the needle is inserted into this AP as stimuli of the AP
After both the metal needle insertion and liquid drug injection into the AP, we can note:
·          ‘Acupuncture Effect’ of the AP stimulated both by metallic needle and liquid drug, Acupuncture Effect described and known since millennia on health or aesthetic disturbances, which is the goal of this treatment.  
·         ’Pharmacological Effect ‘of this liquid drug, injected into the AP.
These three Effects:  ‘Acupuncture Effect’ by needle, ‘Acupuncture Effect‘ by liquid drug, ‘Pharmacological Effect’ by liquid drug are synergistic and are a complete treatment of the health or aesthetics disorder both by acupuncture and western medicine.

But, if the ‘Acupuncture Effect' created by the liquid drug injected into the AP is, often, synergistic with the pharmacological properties of the liquid drug injected into, this is not the rule because the choice of the liquid drug obeys a second criterion: the duration of action of the AP stimulation (Acupuncture Effect) which is also the duration of pharmacological action (pharmacological Effect) of the liquid drug used.

It should be remembered that
·         The 'Acupuncture Effect' obtained by the AP stimulus is independent of the stimulus (liquid or metal or another), but dependent from the AP selected, from the therapeutic property attributed to this PA, by Chinese medicine, in the treatment of the energy imbalance, at origin of diseases in Acupuncture.
·         Acupuncture Effect and Pharmacological Effect are of same duration, both depending on the physicochemical structure of the liquid drug injected/deposited into the AP, this duration of its pharmacological action is mentioned in the pharmacopoeia.
Duration of both effects of this liquid drug is often greater than the stimulus duration from the acupuncture needle and often much higher.

In Western pharmacy, we possess long acting drugs for several weeks but with a specific pharmacological effect, in rheumatology, for example. The duration of action of this injectable medication is 3-4 weeks.
In the AP, selected for its anti-inflammatory action, injection of few drops of this drug will produce two effects, of same duration, both dependent on the physicochemical structure of this medication:
·                    On the one hand, the liquid stimulus of AP producing the ‘Acupuncture Effect’ is of 3-4 weeks of duration.
·                    On the other hand, the preserved Pharmacological Effect is of identical duration, 3-4 weeks.
It is not ethically possible to use this long acting medication, outside rheumatologic indications, for long lasting stimulation, for long lasting Acupuncture Effect, because of possible side effects, deontologically inexcusable because this liquid drug is unjustified in this indication.
Indeed, ethically, it cannot be used for long lasting Acupuncture Effect for a Patient not having a formal rheumatologic indication for this product.

A particular mention concerns Hyaluronic Acid, used for long-term stimulus of the AP, without pharmacological action. Also, Hyaluronic acid can be used for patients pusillanimous, pressed and active.

The duration of action of Hyaluronic acid is of few months, it has no pharmacological action targeted outside of a physical action of filling. It can be used for stimulation of long-term or even of very long duration, as are employed catguts or ear implants in titanium...

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