The Therapist
in Mesopuncture Acupuncture
Mesopuncture is
the Acupuncture Point _AP fluid stimulus by a liquid drug which keeps,
otherwise, all its properties detailed in the pharmacopoeia, when it is used by
the Therapist by injection or without injection, according to his
- · The Therapist qualified to use the suitable injectable medication for the treatment of aesthetic and health problems of his patient.
The Therapist, having followed adequate training, inserts acupuncture
needles, into the acupuncture points already selected and localized: These
needles remain in situ 20 minutes. They allow getting the ‘Acupuncture Effect’
by metal needle stimulus.
With the
same/another needle, few drops of liquid drug with / without pharmacological
effect chosen, by the Therapist, for treatment of this disorder, are injected
into the AP, Mesopuncture, in order to create the " Acupuncture Effect
" by liquid stimulus.
Around the PA,
in the dermis, Mesotherapy Points can be created by micro-injections into the
dermis, of the same liquid drug: For this it is necessary to dispose of liquid
medications with pharmacological effect.
The Therapist, having followed adequate training, inserts acupuncture
needles, into the acupuncture points already selected and localized: These
needles remain in situ 20 minutes. They allow getting the ‘Acupuncture Effect’
by metal needle stimulus.
With the
same/another needle, few drops of liquid drug with / without pharmacological
effect chosen, by the Therapist, for treatment of this disorder, are injected
into the AP, Mesopuncture, in order to create the " Acupuncture Effect
" by liquid stimulus.
Around the AP,
in the dermis, Mesotherapy Points can be created by micro-injections into the
dermis, of the same liquid drug: For this it is necessary to dispose of liquid
medications with pharmacological effect.
There is, on the market for
disposable medical devices, the BMN device, performing the MAM, Mesopuncture
Acupuncture Mesotherapy with a single needle insertion into the AP.
- · Therapist not qualified in using the injectable path: The electrical iontophoresis device applied on the liquid drug deposited at the skin surface facing the AP, allows this drug to cross the skin and reach the AP for Mesopuncture.
By moving the
iontophoresis device, at the entire skin surface around the AP, it is possible
to create with, Mesotherapy Points _ MPs, by micro-deposits of the selected
liquid drug into the dermis surrounding this AP.
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