mardi 26 avril 2016

liquid drugs and devices used for Mesopuncture- Acupuncture

liquid drugs and devices used for Mesopuncture- Acupuncture
The Acupuncture Point fluid stimulus or Mesopuncture, generally accompanies the needle stimulus of the Acupuncture point or classic Acupuncture.
The Mesopuncture or liquid stimulus of the Acupuncture Point _ AP, usually accompanies Acupuncture or stimulus by classic compact acupuncture needle.
*-* All liquid drugs selected for use in Mesopuncture, are APs stimuli. This fluid stimulus causes the Acupuncture Effect, in Mesopuncture. 
*-* The vast majority of these selected liquid drugs also has pharmacological properties associated producing in Mesopuncture the 'Pharmacological effect'...
According to the health or aesthetics disturbance, presented by the Patient, the active liquid drug, selected in the western pharmacopoeia, is injected into the AP, taking into account of both: The pharmacological effects and their duration described in the pharmacopeia (preserved when they are used in Mesopuncture) and the own property of the selected liquid drug to stimulate the AP producing the ‘Acupuncture effect’ by fluid stimulus.
This association, 'Pharmacological Effect' and ' Acupuncture Effect ', of the liquid drug is the fundamental property of liquid drugs, administered intravenously or intramuscularly and classified, for the most part, in daily-use drugs for conventional medical treatment, of localized or generalized health disturbances, in the Western pharmacopoeia.
In Mesopuncture, we apply the same medical indications, the same daily dose of medication used in conventional medicine. 

Notes: Liquid drugs with pharmacological effect are eligible for Mesotherapy.
In the Western Pharmacopoeia, you will find all the detailed information, easily accessible for each liquid drug: Elimination rate, bioavailability, duration of action, etc. and mode of administration.

·         Drugs used
Allopathy, trace elements, phytotherapy, homeopathy, vitamins, anti-aging, salt solution, distilled water, Botox, hyaluronic acid
We find, in the western pharmacopeia, all information detailed and easily accessible for each liquid drug: Elimination rate, bioavailability, duration of action etc. and administration mode.
·         Two administration modes
Liquid drugs of the pharmacopeia are proposed according to two administration modes, intravenous or/and intramuscular.
• Liquid drug administered intravenously with an aqueous excipient: However, it is possible to inject this liquid drug, intramuscularly.
• Liquid drug administered intramuscularly with a denser or oily excipient that forbidden injection into a capillary, into the bloodstream.

·         Our preference, in Mesopuncture, for injection or passive deposit of liquid drug into the APs, is to employ, liquid drugs used habitually, for intravenous injection and more rarely for intramuscular injection.
Moreover, it is necessary to ensure oneself that the liquid drug injection is carried out outside of a blood capillary.
Additional Precaution
That is why, as an additional precaution, whenever this is possible we take the following specific precaution according to the injection device selected:
With syringe, it is necessary, to initiate the Mesopuncture session by aspiring before injection, through the needle already inserted in the AP, for confirming thereby, absence of migrated blood in the syringe body and for maintaining the certainty that the liquid drug is not injected into a blood vessel but into the connective tissue, where the acupuncture point is localized...
With the BMN, the polymer translucency of the resilient mini-reservoir, surmounting the needle inserted in the AP, detects the presence of blood, at the very moment when the needle is inserted into a blood capillary.
In Mesopuncture the useful daily total dose is divided into micro-doses injected locally by needle into the APs or deposited by iontophoresis, at the skin surface above the APs.  
It is common to find that the acupuncture effect due to the PA stimulus by the liquid drug, often exceeds the efficiency duration of the liquid drug specified in the pharmacopoeia.
• Nothing easier than to create, in the dermis around APs, many deposits of the same drug with the same (or without) needle: Will, thus, be created Mesotherapy Points _ MPs. 

The therapist will have thus realized the MAM or Mesopuncture Acupuncture Mesotherapy, during the same medical consultation, with the same device if he uses the BMN and the same liquid drug.

samedi 23 avril 2016

The Therapist in Mesopuncture Acupuncture

The Therapist in Mesopuncture Acupuncture

Mesopuncture is the Acupuncture Point _AP  fluid stimulus by a liquid drug which keeps, otherwise, all its properties detailed in the pharmacopoeia, when it is used by the Therapist by injection or without injection, according to his qualification.
  • ·         The Therapist qualified to use the suitable injectable medication for the treatment of aesthetic and health problems of his patient.

The Therapist, having followed adequate training, inserts acupuncture needles, into the acupuncture points already selected and localized: These needles remain in situ 20 minutes. They allow getting the ‘Acupuncture Effect’ by metal needle stimulus.

With the same/another needle, few drops of liquid drug with / without pharmacological effect chosen, by the Therapist, for treatment of this disorder, are injected into the AP, Mesopuncture, in order to create the " Acupuncture Effect " by liquid stimulus.

Around the PA, in the dermis, Mesotherapy Points can be created by micro-injections into the dermis, of the same liquid drug: For this it is necessary to dispose of liquid medications with pharmacological effect.
The Therapist, having followed adequate training, inserts acupuncture needles, into the acupuncture points already selected and localized: These needles remain in situ 20 minutes. They allow getting the ‘Acupuncture Effect’ by metal needle stimulus.
With the same/another needle, few drops of liquid drug with / without pharmacological effect chosen, by the Therapist, for treatment of this disorder, are injected into the AP, Mesopuncture, in order to create the " Acupuncture Effect " by liquid stimulus.

Around the AP, in the dermis, Mesotherapy Points can be created by micro-injections into the dermis, of the same liquid drug: For this it is necessary to dispose of liquid medications with pharmacological effect.
There is, on the market for disposable medical devices, the BMN device, performing the MAM, Mesopuncture Acupuncture Mesotherapy with a single needle insertion into the AP.
  • ·       Therapist not qualified in using the injectable path: The electrical iontophoresis device applied on the liquid drug deposited at the skin surface facing the AP, allows this drug to cross the skin and reach the AP for Mesopuncture.

By moving the iontophoresis device, at the entire skin surface around the AP, it is possible to create with, Mesotherapy Points _ MPs, by micro-deposits of the selected liquid drug into the dermis surrounding this AP.

jeudi 21 avril 2016

Why is it so easy to associate Mesotherapy and Acupuncture and Mesopuncture...

Why is it so easy to associate Mesotherapy and Acupuncture and Mesopuncture in the same therapeutic act? For helping to improve, more efficiently, various conditions, health or aesthetic disorders (body shape disturbances Pain, cellulite, overweight…), association of several minimally invasive therapies, Mesotherapy on one side and two versions of the Chinese medicine, Acupuncture on one side and Mesopuncture another side, seems judicious.

         If it is theoretically easy to individualize Mesotherapy and Acupuncture/Mesopuncture, in practice the tangle of their fundamentals, makes problematic their distinction and facilitates, greatly, their association, widely beneficial for the Patient, in a set, MAM or Mesotherapy Acupuncture Mesopuncture, often performed, according to a common process (the same BMN, the same iontophoresis device without needles).

Mesotherapy Acupuncture.
  Some classical data  

     Mesotherapy is a new occidental way of drug administration of liquid drugs, from the pharmacopoeia, with therapeutic effect, for example, on the aesthetic problems or health disorders. Multiple deposits of few drops of this liquid drug or Mesotherapy Points_ MPs, are created into the dermis or superficial hypodermis with a hollow needle ( The BMN for example) or by iontophoresis (Virtual Mesotherapy).  
 The AP_ Acupuncture Point, which systematized localization known for thousands of years, is histologically described as a path starting in the subcutaneous tissue and ending in the epidermis. It is activated (stimulated), in general, by a compact needle into the thickness of the skin, in any part of its path.

New data have blurred the differences between APs and MPs.
      Chinese medicine has initiated, thirty years ago, injection of a liquid drug, Mesopuncture, into the AP to potentiate or to be added to the conventional metal stimulation of the AP, by a fluid stimulus.
But local injection into the skin, of some drops of a liquid drug, was the fundamental element of Mesotherapy.
·                     Mesotherapy, in its version 'dry', recommends insertions of Mesotherapy needles into the skin without injection which is the basic principle of Acupuncture.
 These versions of treatment as for example, liquid drug injection into selected points of the skin (for Acupuncture) or dry-needle insertion (for Mesotherapy) enrich the selected method of treatment but coupled with the random location of the MPs, make, often, difficult to identify, during a local depot of liquid drug into the skin, if the action taken is Mesopuncture or Mesotherapy.

Other data about Mesotherapy Points (MPs), Acupuncture Points (APs).
·                         If the main APs are known, other points are less well known: Points off meridians, ASCHI points of ephemeral and random location, in front of the affected area, whose only property is to be painful to pressure, Trigger Points (?).  
         In the version 'nappage' of Mesotherapy, the MPs are created, adjacent to each other on an entire and large skin surface, almost 'intra epidermal’, and spread, continuously, over this skin surface, where it is obvious that are located APs.
It therefore becomes difficult or not possible, in this version ‘nappage’ of Mesotherapy, to differentiate Mesopuncture from Mesotherapy for example, if the patient is a skinny or thin persona, it seems likely that some MPs are, in reality, deposits in the dermal portion of the AP.
Indeed, MPs recently appeared in our occidental medicine, are randomly created, without histological structure, into the dermis or superficial hypodermis facing the altered body part, but in this same dermis and hypodermis area, are already located systematized APs, recognized for centuries, described as a well beginning in the subcutaneous tissue and ending at the epidermis.
The most logical way, exploiting the proximity of APs and MPs and the ease to involve them in the local treatment was to group together, Mesotherapy Acupuncture Mesopuncture, in a set, the MAM of significant efficacy for the patient.
         From the practical point of view, through minimally invasive way using the BMN and non-invasive way using the iontophoresis apparatus, it is necessary, firstly, to locate the AP then to create Mesotherapy points around the path of the AP until the closest AP.
  The MAM is carried out,
* - In its version non – invasive, by:
--- external stimuli of the AP (massage, laser, pulsed light, etc.) for Acupuncture and
---iontophoresis on the AP and surrounding dermis for performing Mesopuncture and Mesotherapy.
* - In its version minimally invasive, by:
-- a specific and disposable device, the BMN, performing this triple therapy, once its needle is inserted into the skin.
The dorsal or ventral decubitus are possible.

mardi 19 avril 2016

Mesopuncture: Administration mode of the liquid drug

Mesopuncture: Administration mode of the liquid drug 

Mesopuncture: administration mode into the acupuncture point with or without needles, of the liquid drug chosen by the therapist
For Acupuncture, disease is the result of imbalance of the body’s energy; Acupuncture helps to restore the balance of the body’s energy by inserting compact acupuncture needles into selected Acupuncture Points _ APs.
Since some time, to this needle stimulus is added the fluid stimulus or Mesopuncture by injection or passive deposit in the AP of few drops of a liquid drug
The selected drug must be injected/ deposited in the AP to stimulate the therapeutic properties from energetic origin of this PA in addition to its own pharmacological properties.
Two ways are described to allow the liquid drug to reach the AP:
Some drops of the liquid drug selected, by the Therapist, in the pharmacopoeia, are injected/deposited in the well identified APs.
·                    By internal way: The liquid drug is injected into the AP by hypodermic needle which not regarded as acupuncture needle: To perform Acupuncture first, then Mesopuncture two successive needles are needed with double pain due to two needles insertion: Pain of compact acupuncture needle first, then of hypodermic needle for Mesopuncture.
In effect, according to the FDA, the hypodermic needle can be classified as acupuncture needle, if it has handle allowing the Therapist, to grasp and wield easily the needle, for performing the acupuncture session. The BMN, hypodermic acupuncture needle with, surmounting it, resilient polymer mini-reservoir used to manipulate the needle and perform the acupuncture session, meets these criteria.

·                    By external way: The liquid drug, deposited at the skin surface, crosses it by iontophoresis and reaches the AP.                                                                        

dimanche 17 avril 2016

Mesopuncture: Dual origin stimulus

Mesopuncture: Dual origin stimulus
In general, in Mesopuncture a dual-origin stimulus activates the AP:
Insertion, in the anti-pain Acupuncture Points APs, of a very fine, hollow needle of the same diameter as the acupuncture needle of 0.3 mm in diameter, qualified acupuncture needle by the FDA because crowned by a handle for its use and insertion, also serving as deformable reservoir to a volume of 0.15cc of drug that the therapist has aspired at the beginning of the consultation. The few drops of liquid drug constituting the AP fluid stimulus come from this drug reservoir.
Insertion and manipulation of the acupuncture needle, in this large mass of connective tissue composing the AP, stimulates the AP and creates the Anti-Pain Acupuncture Effect, due to the needle stimulus of an anti-pain AP.
Injection with the needle of the same device, of few drops of liquid drug from its reservoir surmounting the hollow needle, in the APs:
By its volume or physicochemical structure, the liquid drug stimulates the anti-pain AP and creates the anti-pain Acupuncture Effect by liquid stimulus, while keeping its pharmacological properties or Pharmacological Effect.

The injected liquid drug is selected
·         Either for its own anti-pain Pharmacological Effect synergistic of the Anti-Pain Acupuncture Effect, created by stimulating the AP by this liquid drug.
·         Whether for the long duration of its anti-pain AP stimulus without any anti-pain property, hyaluronic acid, for example.
**-* The Mesopuncture in its topical version does not use needles, it is developed as follows:
·         Acupuncture
The stimulus is produced externally:
External stimulation of the AP without needle, creating an Acupuncture Effect: Moxa, laser, microwave, pulsed light, massage, magnets, colors, quartz etc ...
·         Mesopuncture
The liquid drug in PA reaches the AP without needles.
A few drops of the liquid drug chosen by the therapist, are distributed on the skin covering the AP and on which the iontophoresis apparatus is applied, allowing the liquid drug, to cross the skin barrier and reach its final destination, the connective tissue and the AP: Liquid medicine, in the AP, becomes its fluid stimulus and creates the Acupuncture Effect by fluid stimulus specific of the stimulated AP.   
The liquid drug keeps its pharmacological Properties General and local, it is the pharmacological effect.
·         It is also an opportunity for the Patient himself to be able to renew the application of the liquid drug with the approval of his doctor if he owns an iontophoresis apparatus.
·         Mesopuncture in its micro invasive version
In its micro-invasive version, the device used is BMN including a needle of 0.3 mm in diameter equal to the diameter of the acupuncture needle, hollow, crowned by a deformable polymer reservoir of 0.15 cc of volume cc of volume, filled by the therapist before the consultation and used by the therapist as a handle for its use that is why it is classified with the Acupuncture needles according to the FDA.