vendredi 9 octobre 2015

How I Treat Back Pain N°2, by Acupuncture Mesopuncture

How I Treat Back Pain N°2, by Acupuncture Mesopuncture and Trigger Points with BMN:Acupuncture Hypodermic Needle
 Some liquid drugs of delayed effect have a pharmacological effect of 3-4 weeks and an Acupuncture effect of the same duration. These liquid drugs have the same therapeutic indications in Acupuncture/Mesopuncture and Medicine.
  • What are the advantages related to using Mesopuncture in the back pain
In addition to the small volume of liquid drug used and proximity between the treated area and altered back area, we can detail the particularity of becoming of the liquid drug injected locally into the skin
As in Mesotherapy, the liquid drug performs, at the level of the painful area, two therapeutic actions,
  First therapeutic action: From the injection point, the liquid drug directly reaches the altered area.
Second therapeutic action, after passage in the bloodstream and liver the liquid drug returns to the painful area which then receives twice the liquid drug.

Particular case of Hyaluronic Acid _HA
Some liquid drugs of delayed effect, have a pharmacological effect of 3-4 weeks and an Acupuncture effect of same duration. These liquid drugs have the same therapeutic indications in Acupuncture/Mesopuncture and Medicine, which restricts the indications, in Mesopuncture, of longer duration stimulation, when the Therapist wishes to space the needles insertion, for other health disorders.
One exception the hyaluronic acid
Injected into the AP, its ‘Acupuncture Effect’ is of very long duration without, general or localized or harmful 'Pharmacological Effect’, its action is mainly physical, mechanical in Mesopuncture as in aesthetic medicine.   
We retain its stimulating action of very long duration of the AP, several months, allowing to space the Acupuncture sessions.
Mention may be made in the same vein of burial catgut or titanium implant in Auriculoterapia.

In general, Acupuncture and Mesopuncture are realized by different needles requiring insertions of two kinds of needles that is to say a double insertion pain for each AP: Insertion of compact acupuncture needle, and then, insertion of hypodermic needle.
·         For our part, in order to optimize the pain of multiple insertions in several APs, we use the BMN which allows performing with the same needle inserted in the same AP, both Acupuncture and Mesopuncture and all around the APs, creating Mesotherapy Points. The latter are created in the skin area of the affected region of the body, by liquid drug micro-deposits into the dermis or superficial hypodermis avoiding the APs.
The Therapist first localizes the selected APs to treat back pain of his patient.
He fills the BMN reservoir with the liquid drug he had selected to treat this back pain.
He inserts the BMN in the APs including APs in the back or abdomen, allowing the dorsal or ventral decubitus.
After about twenty minutes, he injects in each AP (Mesopuncture) few drops of a liquid drug from the reservoir, then, he creates, also in the dermis around the AP,   according to a star-shape, micro-deposits of few drops of this same liquid drug, the Mesotherapy Points _ MPs.

According to TRAVELL and SIMONS a Trigger Point_ TP is define as a tender nodule, a painful or sensitive muscular knot, hyper-irritable, limited and located in a firm, tight and palpable band of skeletal muscular fibers, the taut band.
It is an irritable spot either spontaneously (active TP) or on digital compression (latent TP) able of generating either a local or referred pain to other musculature.
'Other signs' are also described: Motor dysfunction, neuro vegetative signs such as sweating, swelling, and "goose bumps."

Once localized (in the muscles, tendons etc.), the TPs are treated either with a needle-free injection (Dry Needling) or by injecting a liquid drug in the TP.
TPs exhibit a local twitch response (muscle fasciculation) or a global jump sign (flexion response) in response to digital pressure or Dry & Wet Needling.
In general Dry & Wet Needling are associated and are performed by the same BMN device.
The needle length of the BMN is 13mm.
All TPs can be treated by the BMN needle, performing both Dry & Wet needling according to two versions depending on the TPs depth:
·         Direct Dry & Wet Needling when the needle is inserted the superficial TP.

·         Indirect Dry & Wet Needling when the needle is inserted between the skin and the deep TP. 

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