What is Ashi Point in Acupuncture & Trigger Point in musculo-skeletal
pain, for example? Similarities & differences. Abstract.
The Ashi Points
They are points without denomination
They are not systematized Acupuncture Points _ APs or APs of meridians, or
out of meridians. They do not necessarily correspond to the location of
traditional APs.
They are often randomly located in an already sensitive area, of varying
duration, specific tender spot, painful when pressed,
they depend on the
causal disease in accordance with the syndromes or diseases with clinical
effect nonetheless.
The Ashi points are treated and needled as classic APs with Acupuncture and Mesopuncture according to a classically and globally approach, for example with the BMN performing both needle insertion and injection of a liquid drug into the Ashi Point with a single insertion of a single needle.
The Ashi points are treated and needled as classic APs with Acupuncture and Mesopuncture according to a classically and globally approach, for example with the BMN performing both needle insertion and injection of a liquid drug into the Ashi Point with a single insertion of a single needle.
The TriggerPoints_ TPs
The most common cause, 75%, of chronic musculoskeletal
According to TRAVELL and SIMONS a Trigger Point_
TP is define as a tender nodule, a painful or sensitive muscular knot,
hyper-irritable, limited and located in a firm, tight and palpable band of
skeletal muscular fibers, the taut band.
It is an irritable spot either spontaneously (active TP) or on digital compression (latent TP) able of generating either a local or referred pain to other musculature.
It is an irritable spot either spontaneously (active TP) or on digital compression (latent TP) able of generating either a local or referred pain to other musculature.
signs' are also described: A motor dysfunction, neuro vegetative
signs such as sweating, swelling, and "goose bumps."
These TPs may become activated by a variety of factors such as, poor posture, overuse, or muscle imbalance.
TPs exhibit a local twitch response (muscle fasciculation) or a global jump sign (flexion response) in response to digital pressure or Dry & Wet Needling.
These TPs may become activated by a variety of factors such as, poor posture, overuse, or muscle imbalance.
TPs exhibit a local twitch response (muscle fasciculation) or a global jump sign (flexion response) in response to digital pressure or Dry & Wet Needling.
These signs and the 'Other
signs' are not described for ASHI points.
In response to the digital pressure or Dry –Wet
Needling the TP has a local twitch response or muscular contractions by
groups of some muscular fibers, with the appearance of a "bag of
worms" or complete muscle flexing or jump sign.
Only clinical criteria define currently the TPs; two new processes,
sono-elastography and elastography by magnetic resonance perhaps will help
obtain an objective confirmation.
Using the BMN needle, hypodermic and acupuncture
needle complies fully with the terms of the TPs treatment, described by Drs.
TRAVELL and SIMMONS. It allows performing the Dry and Wet Needling with the
same needle insertion located at the same point and injection of the liquid
drug contained in the reservoir BMN without recourse to a charged syringe.
· The BMN
needle length is 13 mm. All TPs can be treated by the BMN needle, performing
the Dry Needle and Wet Needle according to two modes, depending on the depth of
the TPs.
It be described
A direct mode when DN & WN are made with the BMN needle
inserted into a TP when it is superficial. ·
An indirect mode when the TP is quite deep and the BMN
needle, 13mm long, not being able to reach it: the needle is inserted between
the skin and the deep TP to perform the DN & WN.