lundi 31 août 2015

Mesotherapy and Acupuncture/Mesopuncture. The #BMN, Only one needle…

Mesotherapy and Acupuncture/Mesopuncture. The #BMN, Only one needle, only one insertion into the skin

#Mesotherapy points are created by deposits in any part of the dermis or superficial hypodermis of small doses of an active liquid drug.
But, in the thickness of the skin, pre-exist the Acupuncture Points described for millennia, with the following properties:
·         The diagram of meridians longitudinally located at the body surface on which are described the Acupuncture Points_ APs, is conventional.
The meridians are, in fact, Pr. LANGEVIN, connective tissue cleavage planes and APs are greater amounts of connective tissue with aligned collagen fibers easily accessible from the location, at the skin surface, of the AP: The AP becoming the easiest way to reach the connective tissue.
To be active, the APs must be stimulated either by a compact needle; it is the classical acupuncture or by a hollow acupuncture needle, the BMN, performing as the compact acupuncture needle, a metallic stimulus of the AP but also a liquid stimulus or Mesopuncture by injection of few drops of a liquid drug into this same AP.
In Mesopuncture, the liquid drug has two properties depending on its physicochemical structure: On the one hand it keeps the pharmacological properties and their duration, recognized by the pharmacopoeia; secondly it has a stimulating effect on the AP whose duration is similar to the duration of its pharmacological effect.
Generally, the APs have a systematized location, known for thousands of years and a path beginning in the connective tissue and ending at the surface of the skin.
Besides that, Mesotherapy Points _MPs are created by injecting few drops of a liquid drug anywhere into the dermis except where APs are located: It is necessary for the Therapist to know the location of APs for not achieving Mesopuncture if he chooses to create MPs, especially as often, APs and MPs are so very close that they are adjacent ... The BMN we use is a hypodermic needle surmounted by a small polymer reservoir: It is a handle which allows the needle use during the acupuncture session, in compliance with the FDA acupuncture needle definition.
 The BMN device is used to insert the needle in the AP for performing Acupuncture and then, by pressing two fingers on the reservoir above the needle, it is possible to inject few drops from the liquid drug contained in its reservoir on the one hand in the AP to achieve Mesopuncture and secondly, into the dermis, around the AP to create MPs””.

The BMN in treatment, by Dry Needling_ DN and Wet Needling_ WN for the pathology of Trigger Points_ TPs:
Two versions of treatment, WN and DN, are described: either the direct needling where the needle is inserted into the TP or indirect needling where the needle is inserted at distance from the TP.

The needle of the BMN is 13mm and will allow to perform, depending on the depth of the TP, both DN and WN either in its direct or indirect version.

vendredi 7 août 2015

Stimulus by internal way: Metal needle, in Acupuncture. Liquid drug, in Mesopuncture.

  Stimulus by internal way: Metal needle, in Acupuncture. Liquid drug, in Mesopuncture.
   It is necessary to insert an acupuncture needle, or inject a liquid drug into an Acupuncture point _ AP, to stimulate the AP and obtain the 'Acupuncture Effect'.

      ·     Metal acupuncture Needle
The acupuncture needle has no therapeutic function of its own. It is the needle insertion and its management (Pr LANGEVIN) that often produce through the connective tissue, the 'Acupuncture Effect' which is the therapeutic effect of the metallic needle in acupuncture.
·    The 'Acupuncture Effect ' resulting from the metal needle stimulus of the AP, lasts a few days.
     ·     The liquid drug in Mesopuncture
Practiced in China since time, proposed and applied in the West, since the mid of the last century, it also produces an 'Acupuncture Effect'.  
The drug creates, according to the AP, in which it has been injected by the therapist, an Acupuncture Effect while keeping its own pharmacological effect.
 ·    The physicochemical structure of the liquid drug
According to the Pharmacopoeia, duration of the pharmacological action of the drug and duration of the maintenance of its effective blood level, for the treatment as well as the speed of their elimination from the human body, are two specific characteristics of the drug, depending on the physicochemical structure of the liquid drug. Physicochemical structure of the drug is also at origin of the AP stimulus and its duration that is to say of its Acupuncture Effect, the medication keeping, when it is injected / deposited in the AP, its 'Pharmacological Effect' and its duration.
The AP stimulus by a liquid drug and its Acupuncture Effect is either of same duration or generally of much longer duration than the 'Acupuncture Effect' created by the acupuncture needle.
The ‘Pharmacological Effect’ of the liquid drug is of same duration as the 'Acupuncture Effect', of this same drug, both depend on the physicochemical structure of the drug.

·    The 'pharmacological effect' and the 'acupuncture effect' of the drug used, are two effects that complement the 'Acupuncture Effect' previously obtained by stimulation of the AP with the single needle.  
There is a synergy of action between the 'Acupuncture Effect', obtained by the needle inserted or the drug injected into this same AP, and the 'Pharmacological Effect' of the drug used to stimulate the AP.
They are then two ' Acupuncture Effects ' added to the 'Pharmacological Effect' of the drug.
* Ultimately, the three effects: ' Acupuncture Effect ' by needle, ' Acupuncture Effect ' by liquid drug and 'Pharmacologic effect' of the drug, are synergistic and are a complete treatment of the health or aesthetic disorder with the only reservation that the duration of the Effects by the liquid drug stimulus is of longer duration than the Acupuncture Effect resulting from the metal needle stimulus.

·     Duration of the therapeutic effects of the liquid drug in Mesopuncture
We have in our pharmacopoeia, drugs with Pharmacological Effect of variable duration. *-* Some day: They are the drugs of common use in daily medicine either intravenously or intramuscularly.
*-* Few weeks: They are active in rheumatic pain, sports. They are used in the APs selected for their Acupuncture Effect active also on pain of rheumatism, sport...
*-* Some months ·       
In general, the drug selected and used in Mesopuncture is retained by its own Pharmacological Effect, synergistic of the Acupuncture Effect created by liquid stimulation of the AP in which this liquid drug has been injected.
It is not possible, in our medical ethics, to use a long or very long lasting drug, for example with Pharmacological Effect, to lengthen the Acupuncture Effect duration of an AP with antalgic Acupuncture Effect, according to Chinese medicine to this AP: Each drug has more or less harmful side effects that the therapist cannot risk to create in his patient of whatsoever intensity, in unrecognized indications by the College of physicians.
We do not have, for the moment, drugs with long or very long duration of action for the different pathologies we could treat, having a synergistic Pharmacological Effect compared to its Acupuncture Effect created when this drug is injected into the selected AP.
.      The problem is different using the hyaluronic acid. It is a so-called comfort liquid drug, used in esthetics.
It is selected not for its pharmacological effect reduced to a mechanical, physical, chemical, filling effect of several months but for its long lasting Acupuncture effect without notable pharmacological action even harmful when it is injected into the AP.
This Acupuncture Effect is of much longer term than the metal needle, in parallel with the length of its elimination from the human body as specified in the pharmacopoeia.
Moreover The Hyaluronic acid is synergistic of any Acupuncture Effect created when this drug is injected into any AP.
Its main interest is obvious: Duration of its Acupuncture Effect by physical stimulus of the AP with a possible aesthetic advantage without any negative side effect.

It is a drug that can be used in the vast majority of patients to space consultations.