mardi 7 juillet 2015

Acute & Chronic COMMON PAIN and Acupuncture Mesopuncture

Acute & Chronic COMMON PAIN and Acupuncture Mesopuncture
In managing the treatment of chronic or acute 'common' pain, it is positive to use, occasionally or continuously, the therapeutic couple Acupuncture-Western drug.
Acupuncture is active by Acupuncture Points _ APs, known for millennia, selected for a given condition, after applying the fundamentals of Acupuncture and divided, according to their mode of action, into three groups: APs of general, regional or local action. 
Only APs of local action whose use do not require extensive knowledge in Chinese medicine are involved, unlike the first two groups.
Stimulation of these PAs of local action carried out by a metal needle, remaining in situ for twenty minutes, brings an energy dimension to the proposed treatment.
Injection of few drops of a liquid drug, already may be used by the patient, both in the AP (Mesopuncture) and in the dermis around the AP (Mesotherapy) produces a double pharmacological dimension to the proposed treatment.
  Apart from the recognized pharmacological and therapeutic effect, the drug injected into the AP, stimulates the AP, through its chemical structure or the injected volume, and also, adding an energy dimension to the proposed treatment.

Pain due to the insertion of firstly a compact needle and secondly a hollow injection needle is optimized by using of a hollow acupuncture needle performing, Mesotherapy Mesopuncture Acupuncture, once inserted in the AP.