vendredi 8 mai 2015

The Kneevide

The Knee #Osteoarthritis and #Mesopuncture              
Mesopuncture is a supplementary means in the classical acupuncture treatment for osteoarthritis in general and especially for the knee, but not only, osteoarthritis.
As the laser, it is an association, Chinese medicine and modern pharmacopoeia.
Recall that there are three categories of Acupuncture Points _ APs: APs of general, regional and local action.
The Mesopuncture is preferentially applied to APs of local action.
It is the injection (or the passive deposition), in the AP of few drops of a liquid drug. 
The liquid drug has two actions, in the AP, both dependents on its physicochemical structure: 
• Due to its intrinsic therapeutic properties it treats the knee, not only, osteoarthritis: The 
Mesopuncture is a supplementary means from the classical acupuncture treatment for osteoarthritis in general and especially in the knee osteoarthritis.
It complements the classical acupuncture session.
As with the laser, it is an association, Chinese medicine and modern pharmacopoeia.
Let us remember that there are three categories of Acupuncture Points _ APs:  APs of general, regional and local action.
The Mesopuncture is preferentially applied to APs of local action.
Mesopuncture is the injection (or passive deposition), in the AP of few drops of a liquid drug. The daily active dose is divided in several micro-deposits created into the various APs.
       The liquid drug into the AP.
Due to its physicochemical structure or volume, the liquid drug is a fluid stimulus of the AP, adding an energy dimension to the pharmacological treatment. The liquid drug
       keeps its intrinsic therapeutic properties, active on the knee osteoarthritis:  Pharmacological effect.
       Stimulates the AP creating a therapeutic effect: Acupuncture effect.
The duration of both actions of this injection, in pharmacology and acupuncture, also are dependent on the rate of resorption of the liquid drug, of its physicochemical structure. It often exceeds the stimulus duration of the classic metal needle.
       Generally, the pharmacological properties (pharmacological effect) of the liquid drug selected and injected into the AP are synergistic of the therapeutic properties resulting from the stimulation of APs (Acupuncture effect): Pharmacological and Acupuncture effects are synergistic and of same duration.
Around the AP, with the same needle and liquid drug, it is possible to create Mesotherapy points also of the same therapeutic action duration.

The liquid drug injected into the APs located in the skin, like in Mesotherapy, has an interesting therapeutic future:
It reaches directly the weathered zone first, and then after passage into the blood and conjugation in the liver, it again reaches the altered zone.: The liquid drug acts twice in the altered area.

For the treatment of osteoarthritis, by Mesopuncture Acupuncture, we do not have, in our pharmacopoeia, active drugs for more than a few weeks.
It is possible to use liquid drugs of long or even very long stimulus duration of the AP (Acupuncture effect) without synergistic pharmacological effect but with pharmacological effect, not harmful, rather dedicated to comfort or aesthetics, as hyaluronic acid, for example.
This type of long stimulus of the AP is interesting because it is possible to space the Acupuncture sessions: Fear of needles, loss of time, financial concerns etc. or to use them for patients intolerant to anti-inflammatory drugs or wishing to avoid them....